Wednesday 25 May 2011

New Vocational Centre

New centre to benefit Llanelli schools and community learning

A new vocational learning centre will soon be opening in Llanelli which will benefit the town’s secondary schools and adults wanting to learn skills in DIY and construction.

The centre, which is currently undergoing final stages of building work, is part of TAD Builders Ltd Temple Works site in Furnace.  Through a partnership between Coleg Sir Gâr, Llanelli secondary schools, Carmarthenshire County Council’s adult community learning and TAD, the centre is on schedule to open in June.  The centre will allow children in the Llanelli area to access construction related courses as part of their school curriculum on a local level and allow adult learners to access part-time evening courses in construction including short courses in home maintenance. “It’s great to see this project come together,” said Paul White, head teacher at St John Lloyd School and chair of the Llanelli 14-19 Network Cluster. “Currently, we are only able to send Llanelli schoolchildren to the college’s Ammanford campus, but transport costs and travelling time are prohibitive so having a centre in town is great news for the schools,” TAD Builders Ltd who is leasing a large unit within its Furnace site to the partnership is looking at the possibility of future trainees coming from the centre.  Managing director Anthony Jones said:”The children will benefit from being around a working industrial site as they learn various trades in and around our daily onsite work.  We’re hoping to recruit apprentices from the centre on a yearly basis, so we’ll be working very closely with the new venture.”   Coleg Sir Gâr principal and CEO Barry Liles who is leading the development at the site said:”We are talking about a significant investment for Llanelli and an opportunity for children to enhance their vocational curriculum provision as part of our collaborative work within the 14-19 Network and for adult learners to gain skills in their own community as part of our partnership with the council’s adult community learning programme.”